Learn about some of the exciting news and events going on around the McDonnell Genome Institute.

Regulatory Evolution in the Wild

Evolution, genetics, single-cell genomics, biochemistry… this story of parrot pigments has it all. November 11, 2024 One of the significant findings of the past few decades in genomics is that animal species, despite their vast differences in morphology, physiology, and behavior, share more or less the same repertoire of genes. What truly distinguishes humans from […]

When are Foundation Models Not the Answer?

Genomic large language models can be impressive, but we need ‘on-device’ data-efficient deep learning strategies to tackle all human cell types. November 18, 2024 Seeing the light at the end of an LLM tunnel Apple recently rolled out Apple Intelligence, their version of deep learning tools designed to be “AI for the rest of us.” Generative […]
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